Retiring 2018-2020 In Colors!

Believe it or not, we only have a little over 3 months left that we can purchase the bold, bright selections of the 2018-2020 In-Color lineup!  That’s right, these beauties will retire at the end of May.  I wanted to give you an early heads up about this.  Once everyone starts to realize that these colors are going away, they start buying up ink refills, cardstock, and embellishments long before the Annual Catalog retires.   So, now is the time to grab them!

five ink pads

I joined a Blog Hop last June where we had to use these colors so I thought I’d share with you the card I made for it.

Click on the ink pads below to see all the rest of the coordinating products that go with each color!

hot pink ink pad

royal blue ink

bright yellow ink pad

green stamp pad

Grapefruit Grove Classic Stampin' Pad


I have loved using these colors and will definitely miss them, but it’s always exciting to see what the next In Color selections will be!


Toni Campana sig cta

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