After what seems like an insurmountable task, I’m happy to say that I’ve finally launched the Retired Products section of my website! I’ve been a Stampin’ UP! demonstrator for going on 23 years and suffice it to say that I’ve accumulated a LOT of retired items. And now I have a place to advertise what I have. And to kick off this momentous occasion, I am offering a limited-time Buy One, Get One Free offer. From now until September 9th, for every $1 you spend on retired items, you earn an equal amount to spend in my SU! Online Store (current product).
The way this will work is that you shop at www.tonimariscreations.com (if you are reading this blog post you are already here!) Click on SHOP, then SHOP MY RETIRED ITEMS. Pick and pay for the items you want. If you are local, you will have the option at checkout to pick up your merchandise! Once you place your order, you will get a credit from me for the total amount of the merchandise (less tax and any S/H). You will then have until Friday, Sept. 10 to send me your order for anything from the current Annual Catalog or the new Jul-Dec Mini catalog for the credit amount you earned. You can go over the credit amount if you want, you will just pay the extra. You will also be responsible for tax and S/H on the current merchandise, so when you give me your order, I will also need your payment info. I will place these orders under a special BOGO workshop. And the merchandise will ship directly to you once I close out the workshop on 9/11.
So, let’s recap the info!
- The BOGO sale is from Sept. 1st to Sept. 9th!
- You shop my retired items on www.tonimariscreations.com. You need to click on SHOP and then Shop My Retired Items. This is NOT the same as my SU! website!!
- Once you complete your order (if local you will have the option to pick up your items), I will log the credit amount you earned on the sale (does not include tax or S/H)
- You will have until Friday, Sept. 10th to send me your order from the Annual and/or Mini Catalog. You can go over the credit amount, you will just pay the difference along with tax & S/H.
- I will place your order on Sept. 11th and the items will ship directly to you.
- You will STILL be earning FREE Sale-a-Bration items for any current merchandise you order so be sure to include those item numbers on your order. (SAB works in $50 sales increments)
- Sales on retired items are not included in my Customer Appreciation Program BUT any sales made on current items will be 😊
- All sales from my retired store are final.
Once the BOGO sale is over, you are free to shop at my retired items store any time you want. I will continue to add new items and occasionally will offer flash sales, which I will communicate via a newsletter or email. And there will be more BOGO sales in the future as well!
If you are not already receiving my newsletters, then please sign up here! You wouldn’t want to miss out on updates on when new product is added or any special sales that are going on 😉
NOTE! This is a ‘use it or lose it’ deal. If I don’t receive your order by Sept. 10th for your selected items from the current catalogs, then unfortunately you will forfeit the credit you earned from the retired merchandise order.